Social Emotional Skills

What Are Social Emotional Skills? How Can You Improve Them?

Social skills are defined as “The abilities necessary to get along with others and to create and maintain satisfying relationships.” On the other hand, emotional skills of emotional intelligence is defined as “The ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.” (Psychology Today)

Task : why is that important for educators?

Task : Listen and try to find more reasons. Now work on the text.

Psychologists define 5 categories of social emotional skills. Watch this video to know more.

Task : watch the video again and focus on one skill. Take notes and be ready to present it to the group.

  • Self-awareness :

  • Self-management

  • Social awareness

  • Relationship skills

  • Decision-making

Task : work on the vocabulary and the text.

It is estimated that there are 15 social emotional skills around The Big Five traits with an additional compound skill.

Task : Can you match them?

Social and emotional learning: Trish Shaffer at TEDxUniversityofNevada : Don't hesitate to use the subtitles. Lots of interesting words pertaining to the topic.

Task : work on the script of the video

For further knowledge

Practical Strategies for Teaching Social Emotional Skills : This 28-minute video highlights strategies and approaches that early childhood personnel and families can use to systematically target social emotional supports that build young children’s skills in a variety of areas including making friends, problem solving, asking an adult for help,