

Assessment and self-assessment

Assessing students / Self assessment


  • What are your assessment practices?

  • Have you tried different approaches? i

  • Any discoveries, Successes? Failures?

10 creative self assessment ideas. Pick out 2 methods and explain them to the group.

Have you ever used (some of) these methods ?

Do you know the different kinds of assessment

Can you match them with examples?

  • The formative assessment mindset

Watch this video

  • Self and peer assessment overview

Watch this video.

  • Self-assessment

Watch this video. Do the 4 activities.

  • Peer assessment

Watch this video

Digital tools

Read what the conceptors of the software Hot Potatoes wrote in 2000.

We state very clearly in our documentation that Hot Potatoes is not a testing tool. In our user feedback, though, we have been consistently surprised by the number of people who request some kind of ‘secure testing’, password protection, or the encryption of answers in source code. It has become clear that a large segment of users cannot or do not distinguish between testing and self-access learning materials. This is unfortunate. Even if a ‘secure testing’ solution is implemented, there is no way to know who is sitting at the client computer taking a particular test, unless someone is present to verify identity. This also implies that online education is perhaps too frequently equated with testing. One result of this may be the prevalence of ‘interactive’ quiz exercises available on the Web in which feedback consists merely of ‘Correct!’ or ‘Wrong!’ responses, rather than useful hints or diagnostic help.

Digital tools for self-assessment. Have you ever used any? Which ones can you think of?

What digital tools do you know that you could use for formative assessment?