SOME, ANY, NO et leurs composés

Is there any milk in the fridge ?

Leçon et activités pour travailler SOME - ANY- NO et leurs composés.

ANY : je demande s’il y en a, si ça existe.

  • Is there any milk in the fridge?

  • Is there anyone / anybody at home?

  • Did you go anywhere during the holiday?

  • Did you do anything interesting?

SOME : Je dis qu’il y en a, que ça existe.

  • Can I have some tea please ? (je sais donc qu’il y a du thé)

  • There’s someone / somebody at the door. (la personne existe)

  • Can we meet somewhere?

  • There must be something I can do.

ANY + négation : Je dis qu’il n’y en a pas ou que ça n’existe pas.

  • There aren't any apples in the fridge.

  • They haven't got any detective stories at the library.

  • He didn't see anyone he knew at the party.

  • You can't do anything about it, it's too late.

No : Je dis qu’il n’y en a pas ou que ça n’existe pas.

  • I’ve got no money left.

  • There’s no one / nobody home.

  • His house is lost in the middle of nowhere.

  • There’s nothing I can do to help him.

Travaillons d'abord sur SOME, ANY et NO

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